Find Your Motivation and People Who Motivates You

Comfortable sofa, coffee in one hand and an amazing new book in another hand. I am reading about the power of motivation and motivator’s roll in somebody’s life and I can’t ignore the fact that over the past 15 years I have meet many amazing people who gave me the motivation for my fitness journey. Here is my story.

When I was 19 I’ve decided that I will start jogging but I was to lazy to do it alone. So with my best friend we started to go for our first jog. I will never forget that day by the river in my hometown. We could last max 2 min of jog at once and then we already needed to walk for 1 min. We finished the first day of training and we were determined to go for another one in 2 days. And we did. Although somebody didn’t insist for very long time I must say she was my first motivator. So I kept going alone. I was jogging 3-4x per week for 4-5 km and slowly I started to enjoy the runs. They made me feel amazing and the first results started to show up. YES!

I was a jogger for some time but I also wanted to try something new. So Universe sent me my new motivator, my co-worker in a vegan restaurant. He showed me the first attempt to HIIT workout from Men’s Health magazine. After the long day at work, we came home and we did the workout together. There were only 10 basic exercises on the list and certain reps to complete. I did them religiously several times per week. But soon it became little bit boring. I wanted more but I didn’t really know how to find this kind of workouts.

The next step in my story is very important because I discovered a holy grail  I remember one day in December in 2010 another friend invited me to participate in her Zumba event as a contributor of a vegan food. So I went and I brought some vegan goodies for people who came to the event. In return I got a gift bag. In this bag was hidden my holy grail. Inside there was a female fitness magazine, and as I went through the pages, one title hit my brains. It was THE BOOT CAMP. I was thrilled because I was searching for that type of training since I was introduced to the Man’s Health program.

When I came home that evening, I immediately turned on my computer, typed Boot Camp in YouTube search bar and I got few hits. In 2010 You tube was not yet so popular as it is now so I never really went there to check out stuff. But I am so glad I did. I found one awesome fitness channel and since that day I am hooked with my High Intensity Interval Trainings, short but super intense exercises, which gives an amazing results in no time. I was training by this pattern since that day in December 2010 and because of those intense home workouts I didn’t even have to step into the gym to train (well only when I was working there in Mexico …. and it was my best job ever till now).

So after some time doing this type of training, my next motivator came along. She invited me to train her group and gently guided me into the group trainings. She put me through the test and I think I passed it. I never thought in my life I could be a group trainer, but with her trust in me and with my knowledge, my fear disappeared. So I started to train people. 

My next step was the hardest decision in my life. In 2013 I moved, with my boyfriend at that time, to Mexico. I left behind my family, friends and my regular job. At the beginning we were both so lost and didn’t even know what we would do there. But it wasn’t long since we discovered our mission. The time was perfect and I became some kind of a fitness motivator for others who were following my fitness journey. Since my former boyfriend had passion for videography and i had passion for fitness, we started to film fitness videos for You tube. And my You tube channel was born.

First I named it Fitness Journey but now it became just Maya K. Fitness. It describes me more on a personal level. Being a You-tuber is not an easy job. You have to consistently film, edit and post videos with an amazing content. Otherwise you will quickly be forgotten. Although my You Tube channel is slowly growing and i’m gaining my followers, I have decided I will level up my game and create an amazing fitness platform, where i can post the full fitness lifestyle, from different styles and types of workouts all the way to importance of nutrition and everything what falls in between. And this is how this website was born.

Right now I live my dream life in tropical Island of Seychelles, where I am a personal trainer, a group trainer, Nirvana Fitness trainer, Yoga teacher and motivator for so many people. My workouts and fitness approach has already transformed so many different people and my trainees have an amazing results and success. I hope with my new challenge i will be able to reach even more people and help them to build a holistic fitness lifestyle.

In this point i would like to say THANK YOU ALL for trusting in me. You mean the world to me and i am so happy when you are getting the results you are sweating and working for.

It is important to remember only one thing: Always and no matter what, trust and believe in yourself. You never know to whom you are or will be a Great Inspiration and a Huge Motivator.

Hugs & Kisses

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