Suspension Straps – Cardio & Strength #3
Today we are doing 20 min AMRAP, which means we will do 4 different exercises for reps and as many we can do in 20 min. This workout will go by very fast and when you reach exercise #3, pay attention to putting straps correctly under your feet so they won’t slide off when you will do Pike ups. Also make sure that you lower the straps a bit so you will be comfortable doing this exercise. The first exercise is without straps but the rest are with the suspension straps. You can use TRX or any other suspension straps.
Now do a quick warm up and let’s do this together.
Workout starts at: 2:58
Workout Breakdown:
- Floor Mountain Climbers 30x
- SS Biceps Curls 10x
- SS Crunch to Pike up 10x
- SS Pistol Squat 10/10x
Workout Style: 20 min AMRAP
Equipment Needed:
- Suspension Straps
- Exercise Mat
Uhhh naporno.. Super cardio