Upper Body & Abs #1

Welcome to the first Upper Body & Abs workout where we will focus on shaping up our shoulders and back muscles and will work on our abs as well.

Today’s workout is a 15 min AMRAP style, which stands for As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 minutes. We will have 4 different exercises with certain reps and we need to complete as many circuits we can inside those 15 minutes. The more the better. Pay attention to your proper form at all times and make sure you are watching the workout breakdown before each and every exercise.

Upper Body Warm up

Workout starts at: 5:03

Workout Breakdown:

  1. (Superman + Commando Push up) 5x
  2. Unilateral Shoulder Press 10x
  3. (Reverse Burpee Push Up + Pull Over) 10x
  4. Side Plank Lift 5x per side

Workout Style: 15 min AMRAP

Calories Burned: 113 kcal

For this workout you will need:

  • Pair of Dumbbells
  • Exercise Mat

Pair this workout with: 12 Min Tabata #1

Cool Down & Stretching

My Results:

28.4.2020, 106 reps

10.3.2021, 120 reps

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    1. Ja, tale video je ful intenziven 🙂 Ampak jutri je na vrsti Mobility & Flexibiltiy #2 in v tem videu se osredotocam na fajn stretching za roke in ramena in potem se malo spodnjega telesa. Tko da, muskl fiber bo, ampak je pomembno, da nardis ta naslednji video in se potem pripravis spet na cetrtek. Kiss kiss

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