Flexible Mobility #6

In this wonderful flexibility and mobility routine we will focus on our shoulders, thoracic spine and a bit on our hips. We all need to move those areas and get them more mobile and flexible. In this way we will also get more benefits for our regular workouts. What will happen in time is your body will start to move in bigger range of motion and thus you will get more out of your workouts. So, don’t skip the mobility drill.

But before we will go into the exercises, we will practice our belly breathing, which is another very important component for our overall health and awareness. Technique i am showing you is also very beneficial for managing your every day stress, detox, burnout syndrome and promoting relaxation of your body. And when we are doing it before the calmer workout, it will bring awareness to your body and mind.

Workout Breakdown:

  1. Belly Breathing 2 min
  2. Child’s pose extension on finger tips (5x)
  3. Child’s pose Elbow Thoracic rotation (4/4)
  4. Thread the Needle with Arm rotation (4/4)
  5. Tiger Shoulder and Chest Stretching 8x
  6. Lifted Tiger Rotation to Dancer’s Pose 6x
  7. Elbow Plank hold 30 seconds
  8. Elbow Plank to Dolphin Pose  5x
  9. Standing Hip Rotation to Warrior 3 (5/5)
  10. Tree Pose hold 30 seconds + Side Bends in Tree Pose (5x) (L/R)
  11. Low Yogi Squat hold 30 seconds
  12. Seated 90:90 Hip Mobility drill to Twist (L/R)
  13. Belly Breathing in Savasana 2 min

Equipment needed:

  • Exercise Mat
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