Interval Stretch & Tone #2
Today we will do another great slow pace workout with combination of body weight exercises and yoga poses in an interval style. The routine is structured with two intervals where we will do one body weight exercise for 30 seconds and we will hold a yoga pose for 30 seconds. We will repeat the block for 2 rounds. This nice low impact routine will have 11 blocks and in total last for 22 minutes. Before each block i will explain the exercises and yoga pose.
Workout Breakdown:
- Side to Side squat
- Wide Forward stance + Side stretch
- Side Jump Lunge
- Warrior II
- Push Ups
- Plank to Downdog
- Knee Hugs
- Boat Pose
- Wide Mountain Climbers
- Lizard Pose
- Pike Press
- Reversed plank hold
- Scissors abs
- Forward fold
- Slow Knee up
- Warrior III
- Reptile tucks
- Upward Dog
- Bridge with One leg lifts
- Hamstring stretch
- Bridge swing on yoga blocks
- Seated Spinal twist
Workout Style: Interval Timer: 30/30
Calories burned: 117 kcal
Equipment Needed:
- Exercise Mat
- Yoga blocks (optional)
Izredno dobro prilagidljiv trening z reztezanjem.. Mi je super ker tudi med tednom dajeลก umirjen trening๐
Ja morem poskrbet, da se malo regeneriras ๐ Vsak drugi oz tretji dan je treba mal aktivno pocivat ๐