Abs On Fire #7

You Abs on Fire #7 is focused on deep core muscles, TVA. You will need pair of ankle weights but if you don’t have them, do this abs routine with only your bodyweight.

Also, don’t use extra resistance if you are still a beginner and your deep muscles are not yet strong enough. How do you know this? When you are lowering your legs, you will notice your lower back is lifting or aching from the mat or floor. This is a sign you are going to low and your deep core muscles are not yet strong enough to resist the pressure. So go only until you feel your lower back is firmly pressed to the mat.

Today we have 6 different exercises with timer 10/30. We will repeat the circuit for 3 times for total of 16 minutes.

Now do a quick warm up and let’s do this together.

Workout starts at: 5:31

Workout Breakdown:

  1. Wave Bicycles
  2. Pilates Bicycles
  3. Leg Drops Waves
  4. Toe Touch with Double Knee Bend and touch
  5. Single Leg Bicycle with Extended Leg (L/R)
  6. One Legged Dog to Triceps Tuck (L/R)

Workout Style: Circuit Training

Equipment Needed: 

  • Pair of Ankle Weights
  • Exercise Mat

Cool Down & Stretching

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