Bikini Beach Body #8 – TABATA Celotno Telo (Full Body)

Tabata krozni trening! Danes se osredotocamo na celotno telo. Na voljo imamo dva intervala, 10/20 sekund, in 6 razlicnih vaj. Vsaka vaja traja 2 minuti. Ko koncamo s prvo vajo, bomo oddelali naslednjo.

Pred treningom se ne pozabi ogreti. Klikni sem.


  1. Komandosi
  2. Zapiranje skoljke (trebusnjaki)
  3. Enonozni poskok v izpadnem koraku (2 intervala leva noga, 2 intervala desna noga)
  4. Geko
  5. Star crunch (trebusnjaki v zvezdi)
  6. Pocep v pulzu (2 itntervala) in Pocep v drzi (2 intervala)



TIMER: Sekundni interval, 10/20 x4 = 2 min za vajo

CAS: 12 min



This is your Tabata Full Body Workout. We have 6 different exercises and 2 intervals, 10/20. Each exercise will last for 2 minutes and when you finish all 4 rounds then continue with the next exercise.

Now do a quick warm up and let’s do this together.

Workout starts at: 0:44

Workout Breakdown:

  1. Commandos
  2. Clam Abs
  3. Jump Lunges – static (2x L + 2x R)
  4. Push up + Reptile
  5. Star Crunches
  6. Squat Pulses (2x) + Squat Hold (2x)

Workout Style: Tabata

Equipment Needed: 

  • Booty Band
  • Exercise Mat

Cool Down & Stretching

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